Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chapter 1 "WAKE UP"!

Chapter 1:

This chapter starts in Bigger Thomas' house. Him and his family wake to the sound of an alarm clock going off. They are then terrorized by a large black rat running back and forth across the floor. Bigger, with the help of his brother kill the rat that made his sister faint. Bigger and his mother later have a talk with each other. She yells at him about where he is in life. She tells him that he needs to start acting like a man and get with his responsiblities instead of sitting around doing nothing. The family needs extra money coming in and he's not doing anything about it. They then talk about a great job that he has the oppurunity to take he agree's to it.

I believe that the alarm clock that goes off is a sign for Bigger, along with the rest of the world to wake up! They must wake up and see what is happening in black america. The fact that bigger kills the rat instead of throwing it outside shows how he handles pressure and his own fears. By Killing. He's too afraid to own up to his responsiblites as man and is a true coward.

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