Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Service Learning 5/28

1) Reflect on your Independent Service Experience

Okay well my Service Learning consisted of many events. The most significant one was my Committe of Seventy experience. Morgan, Charifa, and I went down town on election day and volunteered to answer the phones. I thought it was going to be all easy and simple you know. Just type in the address and tell people where their polls were. WRONG! I ended up learning so much about the voting rules that day. I had to answer outrageous questions and calmn down INSANE people! What helped me get by was Charifa and morgan of course! But mainly the adults around.

2) PLAN for extended (90 minute) service meetings on Wed. May 28 and Thurs. June 5th.
Well we have our plans around mapped out. Charifa and I called the seniors center and told them that we planed on hanging out with the seniors during the times of 2- 3:10 and they agreed. We asked for a few games, and advice on what we should bring them to eat. We will be going to see them June 4th 2008.

3. Catch up on all/any missing blog posts. Make sure your reflections are complete and professional.
I am all caught up! Grade me babyyy!

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